Sunday, July 20, 2008

More pictures from Utah!

Chay's first plane ride!

We waited for our luggage to arrive and where was my bag? Phoenix. It didn't make it on the plane. They did deliver it to me around 10:00 that night.

Isn't she beautiful?

Chay and Mason hangin out in the pool!

MaiLee was potty training while we were there! She was so happy to show us!

MaiLee being a big girl with Nana's makeup!

Mom, MaiLee, and me at the natural springs pool. It is warm year round and beautiful!
MaiLee and I

Just chillin, and enjoying the nice weather!

Playing cards waiting for the fireworks.

We are at Pleasant Grove Jr High. They have the BEST fireworks!

Playing cards with the cousins and Nana

Cousins: Douglas, Amanda, Haiden and baby on the way!

Papa and MaiLee watching a balloon float away.

Left to right and then front: Great Grandma Wilson, Me, Chay, Mason, Kimo, Heather, Lilly, Nana, Papa, my mom, April, Joy, and MaiLee.

The Wilson family with Great Grandma Wilson.

Watching the boys light the fireworks!

Joy, Lilly and Mason

Chay and Joy at the pool.

April and Joy

Chay flipping off the diving board.

Wilson fam.

We went to watch my brother in law Steve in his Baseball tournament, and MaiLee fell off the bleachers right here and cut her ear open. Luckily that was all that happened because as you can see this is pretty dangerous.
This is what her ear looked like before the stitches.
They ended up putting her under a form of anasthesia so they could put the stitches in and this is after she woke up. I felt so bad for her. She is a trooper.
This is after the stitches. Her ear is bruised all over.

Hanging out, getting ready to watch a movie in JP and Meredith's theatre room.

Great Grandma Wilson's 99th Birthday Party!

Pregnant cousins and GG Wilson from left to right: Karee, GG Wilson, Monica and Amanda.
Happy Birthday Steve!!!

Slider Family after church.
For Steve's birthday dinner we went up to JP and Meredith's for steaks! These are the boys down at the BBQ pit.
Their backyard is really nice and the view is amazing! JP owns a company that does rock walls, and they do a pretty good job as you can tell!
That's all I got! Sorry that post was forever!


amber said...

Taina! It's Amber Eilertsen... how are you?! My sister randomly found your blog and showed it to me! I'm so excited to have found it! What have you been up to?

Lindsey said...

Hey Taina, I saw you had a blog on your facebook. You are so pretty! I hope you don't mind me adding you to mine! Take care.

tashina birch said...

Hey you! I found your blog! Write me back!!

Scott and Melissa said...

Taina... where are you ?!?!?