Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Green Thumb?

I planted MUM Flowers the other day! I think they are beautiful, and the perfect fall colors! They sit right by my front door! The only weird thing is when I water them this really dark brown ooze comes out of the bottom of the pot? What is it? The other thing I'm not sure about is... How often do I water them? I know you can over-water flowers and you can obviously not give them enough water. I always kill them and for once I would like to keep them alive! If you have any suggestions please leave a comment! I would really appreciate it!


{love, mj.} said...

so pretty! i love flowers!

Michelle Bebe said...

google it, or read the tag that came with them!

usually you want it to be slightly wet but not SUPER WET and not dry. but i am not the best green thumb, that's what i've heard though.

very pretty